Would you still eat meat if you had to kill it yourself?!
Answers: Im a meat eater, but for the veggies out there professing their love for the poor little piggies who are killed for consumption by humans including myself, how many of you would still eat meat if the only way to eat it was for it to be slain by your hand?
I grew up in a rural setting and we raised our own animals for meat. We would get 3 day old calves from the local dairy and raise them on formula for about a year and then slaughter them for food. This was only mildly disturbing to us even though the calves were like pets to us because we spent so much time feeding and caring for them. It was understood that this was the way of things, and we never had any problems. So yes, I would kill an animal for my own consumption.
If i really hard, to if im dying from starvation, i WOULD,
i rather kill the meat than die :(
No. i like meat but i am almost half vegetarian.
I am a total carnivore. I would eat my own brother if I were hungry enough. So yes..I would kill my own meat, if that was the only way to have the steak I love so much.
Danette's answer made me laugh :P. Hmm, i like meat a lot too! I can't really imagine never eating meat :S. I guess i would end up learning how to do it myself :S. This is an interesting question!
I'm a hypocrite. I find it difficult to kill an animal for other than mercy. I have but found it disturbing.
My only sanction is that the meat we consume as food is raised and bred specifically for that purpose and does not and cannot survive otherwise.
I;m a starter have done it before and would do it again if i had to.
The meat is so much more tasty as well,it must satisfy some primeval urge in us.
Anyone for some Kangaroo,thats good tucker.
i would shoot that hog in the head b4 he could say i'll be back folks! LOL! Danette you are too funny!
City slicker, that is the way of the ranch, slaughter your own beef, pork or chickens. the only way to eat meat is by slaughtering it your self, I may self have helped with the slaughtering of pork and beef also chicken.
It would be hard, only if I was stranded somewhere and there was no one else to do it and I had to eat or die. I do eat meat, but I love animals and it would kill me to do it.
yes i would
absolutely not
no i can fish and eat the fish i catch though