What is the biggest steak you could eat?!
24 oz?
40 oz?
76 oz?
Answers: 12 oz?
24 oz?
40 oz?
76 oz?
When I was a chef I went with a friend to a place in Edmonton AB Canada, Earls Tin Palace, they had a 24 oz Porterhouse, and would only cook it rare, medium rare or medium, I was amused whena older lady want it well done and they refuse to do it as it ment it had to be baked for 20 minutes, the kitchen was just to busy.
I worked places we sold chateaubriand at 36 oz, and only have seen a 72 oz one on a menu one time in the US.
24 oz with a little broccoli and a cold,cold beer
but we found years later
they were Tri tips..