Why do we drink cows milk?!
Any anti-milk people out there? I told my friend who offered me a glass off milk that i was going to stop eating dairy. She just looked at me like a i was a freak and she got all offended or something and saying that i was going to get osteoporosis or however you spell it. I told her that the whole thing was stupid and cows are stuck on freaking machines all day and loaded with hormones.
I already take calcium pills, and i can get calcium elsewhere such as in leafy veggies (right?) and i take vitamins
My mom also belives i have a food allergy to it, it may give me eczema, an eye rash, and acne.
But anyway, what do you think?
Answers: I'm wondering if milk isn't really healthy at all. I mean it has to be loaded with crap in order for us to actual digest it right?
Any anti-milk people out there? I told my friend who offered me a glass off milk that i was going to stop eating dairy. She just looked at me like a i was a freak and she got all offended or something and saying that i was going to get osteoporosis or however you spell it. I told her that the whole thing was stupid and cows are stuck on freaking machines all day and loaded with hormones.
I already take calcium pills, and i can get calcium elsewhere such as in leafy veggies (right?) and i take vitamins
My mom also belives i have a food allergy to it, it may give me eczema, an eye rash, and acne.
But anyway, what do you think?
It's a traditional farmer's product that is recommended by the food guide even though a majority of people cannot drink it.
Approximately 70% of the world's population loses the ability to produce lactase by the time they are adults(usually after the age of 4), the enzyme that assists in absorbing the sugar in milk-lactose. It has preservatives added and is high in fat. Whole cow's milk is a high-fat fluid, designed by nature to turn a 60–70 lb (27–30 kg) calf into a 300–600 lb (135–275 kg) cow in one year.
High-fat dairy products such as cheese, butter and cream contain saturated fat. Saturated fat is the most important dietary factor involved in raising blood cholesterol levels. The consumption of high-fat dairy products has also been found to cause atherosclerosis, heart disease and stroke. Finland which has a death rate from heart disease that is among the highest in the world, also has one of the highest rates of dairy product consumption.2
“The African Bantu woman provides an excellent example of good health. Her diet is free of milk and still provides 250–400 mg of calcium from plant sources, which is half the amount consumed by Western women. Bantu women commonly have 10 babies during their life and breast feed each of them for about ten months. But even with this huge calcium drain and relatively low calcium intake, osteoporosis is relatively unknown among these women.”
"There is no human requirement for milk from a cow.”
– Suzanne Havala, R.D. author of the American Dietetic Association's Position Paper on Vegetarian Diets
"I no longer recommend dairy products after the age of two years."
– Dr. Spock from Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care, 1998 edition.
Low-fat milk and cheese products are still significantly high in total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol.
Because we don't want to drink any other type of animal milk. just don't drink soy choc milk, gross.
Well I also don't like to drink cow's milk, but that doesn't mean it is not a healthy drink. Here are some reasons-
Cow's milk, the basis for all other dairy products, promotes strong bones by being a very good source of vitamin D and calcium, and a good source of vitamin K--three nutrients essential to bone health. In addition, cow's milk is a very good source of iodine, a mineral essential for thyroid function; and a very good source of riboflavin and good source of vitamin B12, two B vitamins that are necessary for cardiovascular health and energy production.
Cow's milk is also a good source of vitamin A, a critical nutrient for immune function, and potassium, a nutrient important for cardiovacular health.
Milk produced by grass fed cows also contains a beneficial fatty acid called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Researchers who conducted animal studies with CLA found that this fatty acid inhibits several types of cancer in mice. In vitro (test tube) studies indicate this compound kills human skin cancer, colorectal cancer and breast-cancer cells. Other research on CLA suggests that this beneficial fat may also help lower cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis.
The bit about cows being stuck to machines -- unexersized and loaded up so fat they can't walk without trampling their own udders -- is unfortunately true. To avoid this, you can seek out milk from small organic dairies that use friendlier practices. Goat and sheep milk are other options. These are harder to find depending on your area, but they're available.
As for editability, most of what's done to milk is for taste, looks and preservation. Vitamin D is added to help us process calcium. Not much needs to be done to make it safe or healthy -- it comes out of the cow that way.
You do need calcium and real food is always preferred by your body, to raw vitamins. We're designed to work a certain way and that way includes eating natural foods. Vitamins help as a suppliment, but shouldn't be your only source for any part of your diet. Even fat is needed for energy and brain function.
Regarding the allergy, look into the above sources. (Websearches are our friend.) I'm not sure if the same proteins that people tend to be allergic to are in sheep or goats' milk.
Soymilk is another option that might fit into everything you've talked about. It's quite different, but if you find out you like it, drink up. :)
Foods do not cause acne, eczema, or eye rashes.....those are "old wives tales". There are some people that are lactose intolerant. But they normally can't handle any kind of milk product, to include cheeses, butters and ice cream. Milk is healthy though, and since it "has all the crap" inside there, it's also very safe, as long as it stays cool. In the US, we drink cow's milk, but in other countries, goat's milk is just as popular. I wish you the best of luck.
vegans dont drink milk, soy milk is better 4 u, poor cows get used for there milk