What can we do about about GROSS grocery stores?!
Answers: Some shoppers food stores have moldy food all the time...ALL the time..HOW can they be allowed to sell all moldy food in the grocery stores?
File a written, formal report with the Health Dept. It is possible that the owner of this market knows or pays off the health inspector. I would also contact the local public news station and inform them of your findings so they can warn the public. Many times they have their representatives investigate these types of problems they believe are newsworthy.....
If you are in the US, report them to the health department
Yes you can call the health dept. & file a complaint.
Try talking to the store manager about it first. If he/she doesn't do anything about it, file a complaint to the health department of the government.
Call the health department right away and tell them. the name of the store, it's location and the molded food they have out
you can also call your local new's station and tell them there alway's looking for new's.
report it and don't go there to buy anymore.
wow that's terrible, i've never been to a grocery store like that. but if i were you i'd go somewhere else if possible, and report them to the healt dept.
CALL THE HEALTH DEPT., complain to the general manager.