On the strength of bacon alone, is pig the most tasty animal?!
Answers: bacon wrapped around sausages with butter on top is by far the tastiest thing ever. So pig all the way.
i think so
Nothing beats bacon! Unless its steak with bacon!!
Nothing else beats the flavour of the meat!
haha I have thought about this a few times actually...Pig is fantastic for bacon and sausage...but what about chicken or cow? I don't know if I could live without chicken nuggets or cheeseburgers...
I'm going to have to go with Cow as the most tasty animal.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm......bacon =)
Bacon is good but I think I perfer a rare steak.
mmm i love bacon but that's the only thing i said i wouldn't eat pig but ribs and bacon have me hooked but i think i rather have a medium steak and a cheeseburger over bacon any day
edt: dude above me ur gonna have crazy cholesterol haha
I think grouse or elk is better.
Duck (wild) has a strong taste as well
yes. and you can even make food with pig's blood!
yes... lets not forget pork loin... pork chops... and the whole pig roasts are te best!!!!!
I love bacon! It is the best breakfast meat ever.
i woudn't know, never ate it, never will. i know that it is the most dirty animal. now that's for sure. it is the only animal that eats it's own filth and other crap. unlike cows and chickens that eat grass and grains. do you really wanna risk nastiness for taste. i will pass!
Yeah, I think you're right on this one. Whether you like the tatse or not, pig bacon has more of a pronounced taste than any other meats I have ever tried, and I've tried some weird stuff.
Yes. The most flavorful (sorry piggies) as well - you don't have to do as much to dress up the meat, as with poultry etc...
Fat = flavor.
And to the lady who said pigs are dirty - all animals are dirty. All food is dirty. Veggies are fertilized with fecal matter. Food production - any food - is something you really don't want to look at too closely.
Yes. Every bit of it's good, you can even roast the tail. Down South we like to say we eat every bit of the pig but the squeal.
i dnt knw...
but bacon is the
tastiest food i have
ever eaten.