Do you like Oreo cookies and garlic dip?!
Answers: They are good with bourbon on the rocks.
your nuts
no i dont like the garlic dip idea but i would love the oreo cookies
together? sounds interesting.
I like both, but I really don't care for garlic with sweet food.
wow. you are really different!
I love the sweet & salty combo.
Brownies & Popcorn are my favorite together
Not together I don't like them.
I only like the oreos, not the garlic dip.
together that is sooo nasty
Bourbon is good but I dont know about the oreos and garlic dip... thats hardcore.
I like Oreos and I like garlic dip....but i don't know if i'd eat them together! lol
can't say thaT it even sounds appealing !!!:)d
Hmmmm sounds kinda iffy for me...but whatever floats your boat...I'll have the oreos by themselves and the garlic dip with pita chips.
OMG you must be bomed.
sounds interesting, disgusting, but interesting........
I would imagine if one likes oreos most anything goes with them...
I do not think I could handle that unless I am really drunk then I might try it! LOL!