Does anyone else constantly snack while studying?!
Answers: I can't wait until summer so that I won't have any studying to do.. hahaha. I went to the grocery store tonight, bought ice cream and gummy worms!
yup food and books. i think i make the food to get away from studying and procrastinate. i take a bite whenever i have to think or don't know the answer
i constantly snack while doing ANYTHING!
yea i do =]
I do all the time. Gummy's are the best ever. And Ice-cream. Good luck on your Exam. :)
yess omg i just finished a pack of ruffles and a chocolate bar.
i've been eating this every day for the past week because it's my hell week!
i think by saturday, i'll be 10 pounds heavier hahaha
I totally understand how you feel. I have felt like a pig all week. I just took my last midterm yesterday, thank god!
nope. I rarely ever study but when I do I don't eat. It distracts me.... I need to study more..... than maybe I could bring my GPA back to a 4.0
Ahaha, yea, I always have something to much on while I do my homework and studying. I especially like minty things. Mint "stimulates your brain"....or something weird. ^^
Haha I always snack when im studying! Im doing it right now while studying for my exam tomorrow. Probably not as big as yours cause im a junior in high school. Algebra 2 is a *****!
i snack ... well every time like now haha
oh my gosh yes! i swear it's stress induced.
I do everytiimeee. If i don't snack then i can't concentrate
Ah yep :] Actually I snack through the whole day...
yep, I am snacking right now and while studying it helps my concentration, so sometimes if I have no food I will chew gum,so that my mouth thinks it eating! ^_^!......constant snacking probably = why I am now 175 instead of 150