Possible to order from fast food suppliers to make ur own?!
sometimes i want a greasy mcdonalds double cheese burger or some of that gross Taco Bell meat.
Sure, i can go there and get it. but sometime, i would like to just stay at home and these guys dont deliver.
And you cant just make a taco or a cheeseburger and make it taste just like theirs.
Is it possible to contact the same suppliers that they use and order that stuff for myself.
For example.
Call up the Taco Bell supplier and order one of those frozen bags of taco meat, a box of shells, a bag of their shredded cheese and some of their sauce. (i can cut my own tomatoes and lettuce)
if this sort of thing is possible, i would sooo order a bunch of this junk and pig out sometimes... (i am a long distance runner so i wont get too fat)
so... does anyone know the procedures in this?
is it possible? is there some magic online store that sells all this stuff or am i just crazy?
Answers: ok. i know that this is a strange thing to want to do.
sometimes i want a greasy mcdonalds double cheese burger or some of that gross Taco Bell meat.
Sure, i can go there and get it. but sometime, i would like to just stay at home and these guys dont deliver.
And you cant just make a taco or a cheeseburger and make it taste just like theirs.
Is it possible to contact the same suppliers that they use and order that stuff for myself.
For example.
Call up the Taco Bell supplier and order one of those frozen bags of taco meat, a box of shells, a bag of their shredded cheese and some of their sauce. (i can cut my own tomatoes and lettuce)
if this sort of thing is possible, i would sooo order a bunch of this junk and pig out sometimes... (i am a long distance runner so i wont get too fat)
so... does anyone know the procedures in this?
is it possible? is there some magic online store that sells all this stuff or am i just crazy?
It's true that you can't order from their suppliers. They have large regional commissaries and as mentioned only supply their stores. Also mentioned is the idea for clone recipes. which would give a similar product. I can help you with the taco bell one. Below is a link that shows their meal kits. With one or two of these you could "pig out" with the real deal made at home like what your looking for.
well, you have to have a resturaunt to sell their food, you cant just order it by yourself, and they have special equipment to cook the food, which I doubt you have. But you have a really great idea, imagine taco bell at home, it will also save gas too.
i dont think we can. Notice how every burger from fast food joints all have some sort of different taste or look. Square burger meats from wendys, Fat fluffy buns from burger king. Etc, etc. I think you gotta have some sort of signature trademark to make it in the fast food business. Or a big franchise. lol. But i sure do hear yah! I hope things work out! Good Luck!
You can't do that. If you could, everybody would have McDonald's frys.
You need to be a franchise owner to order from Mcdonalds and taco Bells suppliers. In fact Franchise owners can ONLY order from these suppliers they can not order from anywhere else.
My question for you is WHY would you want to recreate fast food when you could cook something much tastier and healthier at home? Dude check out the cooking channel exspecialy Emril. You will see how easy it would be to cook something very tasty will little effort.
You would have to buy it in the quantities they do which can be very large. Also some of the products are made under exclusive contract. They don't want their competitors copying them just by ordering the same product. So a supplier to McDonalds only supplies certain exclusive items to McDonalds. Burger King or the local burger joint couldn't even call up and order it.
In the case of McDonalds I know the suppliers are exclusive only to McDonalds and some aspects are owned by the company itself.
Golden State Foods is an example of this.
Places like Smart & Final sell restaurant items but these are more like you'll see at your local family owned burger joint.
Hmm...there are some websites (& books) that have "cloned" recipes. Try CopyKat.com or TopSecretRecipes.com -- while they may not be exact, they are surely close & yummy. I take some of them & modify to my likes anyway. Like the KFC chicken recipe & El Pollo Loco stuff.
Good luck!
No. They wouldn't sell it to you.
They won't deliver such a small quantity they make no money on it !!!:)d