When you chew chewing gum?!
louder than average i mean, like noticeably, so it kind of makes a clack noise?
Answers: if you press it flat and move it infront of your teeth, then suck and it makes a small pop noise, how you do you make it really loud?
louder than average i mean, like noticeably, so it kind of makes a clack noise?
LOL....I actually know how to do that, however be aware that it is generally VERY annoying to others around you. My son's girl does that allllll the time and I have to yell at her to stop that damn snapping. lol. It is one of those things that you just have to keep trying as there is really no way to actually give a tutorial on gum snapping. : )
hehehehe.wat a question.i think u bettr eat 3 or 4 of it to mak a big balon wid loudr voice
Isn't that fun!
The trick is to not put it in front of your teeth. Do what you would normally do, except suck in instead of blowing out. I do it all the time while i am ALONE!
Good luck!
Suck as hard as you can