Does a small banana have the same nutritional value as a big one?!
Answers: If all fruits of the same species are grown from seeds that are the same size but are different sizes when picked does this mean that no matter what size it is it will still have the same nutritional value as its larger counterpart?
Its nutritonal value should be about the same, but the larger one would be slightly higher in calories. it is based on the proportions.
Most things like fruit & vegetables still depends on serving size.
which weighs more:
a pound of feathers??
a pound of rocks??
yes it does, but it loses some calcium.
Since banana's are sold by "weight." The bigger ones,
will have more "potassium," but you will get "less" bananna's.
Generally, the bigger the fruit, the greater the caloric content (increased nutritive value).
Interestingly , the banana is somewhat unique among fruits, the more spotted it is the greater the nutritive value. There are over 1500 different types of banana,many have unusual flavors , some food scientists claim the bananas we eat in USA are the least tastiest.