How many calories in a krispy kreme glazed donut?!

Question: How many calories in a krispy kreme glazed donut!?
Seriously, an exact amountWww@FoodAQ@Com


Holy Moly! A Glazed Donut has 200 calories with 100 of them coming from fat - meaning 12 grams of fat! Yowza!
A Glazed Cruller has 240 calories with 130 of them coming from fat - 14 grams of fat!! Do you even want to know the saturated fat contents!.!.!. OK I WILL TELL YOU:
Glazed Donut - 6 grams
Glazed Cruller - 7 grams
And don't you dare think: "Oh ok, so I will just get the donut holes because they are smaller meaning less calories" BECAUSE 4 little tiny donut holes has 200 calories!! And we both know you don't eat just 4! ha ha! I have gone through like a WHOLE BOX before! LOL!
I think if you need your krispy kreme fix!.!.!. just smell them! LOL!Www@FoodAQ@Com

200 calories, 22g of carbs, and 12g of fat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Toooo manyWww@FoodAQ@Com


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