What is your all time favorite breakfast?!

Question: What is your all time favorite breakfast!?
I know it sounds like a lot, but this is THE perfect breakfast to me:
Southwest omelete with steak, grits with sugar and butter, short stack of praline pecan pancakes with warm maple syrup and whipped cream, home hashbrowns with ketchup, large mug of coffee with sugar and hazelnut creamer, small orange juice, and a 20 oz bottle of water!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

MMMmmmmmMMMM sounds so good right about now lol!. This is my perfect breackfast!. Scrambled eggs with melted yellow cheese, bacon, hash browns, Glass of orange juice, pancakes with whip cream and chocolate chips =P!. gotta have the chocolate!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I love the detail (especially the part about home-made hash-browns)!. I can also identify with the idea that there is no such thing as too much food for breakfast!. As it stands, my all-time favorite breakfast (I've experienced it exactly one time, and it is impossible to recreate) two slices of white toast (lightly buttered) poached from my sister because the waiter hadn't brought my food yet; also, a medium glass of cranberry juice!. My main dish consisted of: a poppy-seed bagel with cream cheese, 2 links of sausage and 2 strips of bacon, 2 eggs sunny-side up, a few strawberries, grapes and orange pieces poached from my Dad, and some hash-browns (sadly not homemade!.) I washed everything down with a large glass of water!. Ah, nothing beats a good breakfast with the family!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

My wife starts me off with a juice glass of cranberry juice and a grapefruit!. When I'm through with that, she brings me a bowl of vanilla yogurt with frozen blueberries on the top, and when I'm through with that, she brings me her scrambled eggs using her favorite brand of artificial eggs, along with frozen turkey sausage mixed in, along with chives, various melted cheeses, and, on occasion, some mushrooms!. And then, for the final course, she brings me my absolutely favorite coffee (my personal invention blend that she has "doctored up" a bit and which makes starbucks look stupid), one or two slices of warm and buttered pumpernickel rye bread, and, if you can believe this, an "after-dinner" mint!. If this sounds like I'm spoiled, everyone around here knows that too!. But, you have to have had the "on-the-job" accident I did in order to get someone as lovely as my wife to serve such an excellent breakfast!. God Blessed me with her!. God Bless you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I guess, scrambled eggs with cheese, hash brown potatoes with green peppers and onions cooked in them, bacon, and french toast with fruit and margarine, and some coco to drink, I don't like coffee!. I liked your question, but now you got me hungry!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

s!.o!.s!. (army style)
3-eggs over easy
extra toast / buttered w/jam ( dont like jelly )
some corn flakes
glass of milk,oj and maybe some clamato or plain tomato juice !.
banana nut or better a blueberry muffin !!
pot of cofffee BLACK !!Www@FoodAQ@Com

A cup of green tea with a splash of milk, and big bowl of any various cereal, preferably lucky charms, cheerios, special k, etc!., is all I need to get me going!. You sound very high maintenance!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Biscuits and Gravy with Hashed Browns, Scrambled Eggs and Applewood Smoked Bacon cooked crispy!.
Fresh squeezed orange juice
A mimosa!Www@FoodAQ@Com

oatmeal and chocolate drink or nestvita(if im lazy to prepare my breakfast)
pancake with maple syrup and chocolate drink or a fresh juice!.
bacon omelette with french bread!.

2 500 ml of wilkins!.!.!.so i dont get dehydrate!.!.lolWww@FoodAQ@Com

nothing beats cereal but i like it warm milk!. any cereal: honey bunches of oats, kellog's corn flakes!.!.!.!.
please answer this: =)


I like an omlet with cheddar cheese, bacon, tomatos, mushrooms plus potatos and bisquits!. Orange juice!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


Christmas moring breakfast of homeade crepes with blueberry sauce and fresh whipped cream, yum!Www@FoodAQ@Com

wow!. well i have not ever had a perfect breakfast do to school and on the weekends i eat late so its more like a lunch!.!. U should consider yourself lucky!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

potato and egg tacos with a side of salsa and to down it down a beautiful tasting mexican cokeWww@FoodAQ@Com

Probably pancakes and a side of baconWww@FoodAQ@Com

Bagel with cream cheese and sauge egg and cheese on a roll



vanilla french toast made in my mother's panini maker!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


my favorite all time breakfast is pancake!!hahaWww@FoodAQ@Com


Rum and Raisin Bran!. Nothing better!Www@FoodAQ@Com

steak and eggs and a bottle of beer after being out all nightWww@FoodAQ@Com

wow that is a lot fatty!.!.!.i like french toast and hashbrowns =]Www@FoodAQ@Com

doughnuts with black coffeeWww@FoodAQ@Com

sausage and chesse sandwich on a muffin!.


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