What would be good to eat before a ball?!

Question: What would be good to eat before a ball!?
My ball dress fits well, but I know if I do eat some foods it might get a bit uncomfortable!. What would be good foods to eat on the day of the school ball so that I do not get bloated or anything!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

hmmm!.!.!.i would stick with foods that digest quickly!. drinking a lot of water keeps the bloating down as well!. Pretzels digest quickly!.!.!.foods high in fiber should pass through quickly, like fruits, vegetables!. Start out with some good protein in the morning!. That way you will be more satisfied to have small snacks throughout the day!. But water is key!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

just eat like, half an apple!. or some kind of fruit! that's what i ate before my jrotc military ball!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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