Would you like to be a food tester?!
if you were offered a job as a food tester would you accept it!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Absolutely if it would pay the bills and it was food fit for human consumption -- even if it was dog food but was human grade!. If it was good food that would be a bonus! I would love going to work everyday!. The only thing is that when I was negotiating my contract I would ask for a gym membership to be included! Then again, I'm sure it's just a bite here, a bite there!. Funny thing is, I've been considering becoming a secret shopper to get free food!. A video on youtube says you have to have a degree to do food testing!Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you are asking because you were offered something like that, then the answer depends on you only!.
There are companies that need food tasters and other product tasters to further develop and better them!.
If this is something you think you want to do, then go ahead and do it!. The pay is usually very good considering you spending only an hour or two and walk away with anywhere from $50-$150!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
There are companies that need food tasters and other product tasters to further develop and better them!.
If this is something you think you want to do, then go ahead and do it!. The pay is usually very good considering you spending only an hour or two and walk away with anywhere from $50-$150!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I wouldn't be able to because there's so much food I won't/don't eat!. Like nothing from the sea!.!.You'd have to be willing to try pretty much anything they offered!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
yes!.!.!.if it paid the bills and i could travel and get a personal trainer!.!.!.that would be lovely!. but not just anyone could do this!.!.!.you have to have a mature palate!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
yeah i would love to, free food and meeting new people who also enjoy free foodWww@FoodAQ@Com
it depends!.!.I may not like something!.!.!.and will throw up!.!.lolWww@FoodAQ@Com