While sun-drying fruit, what's a good material to block small bugs like gnats?!

Question: While sun-drying fruit, what's a good material to block small bugs like gnats!?
While sun-drying fruit, what's a good material to block small bugs like gnats!? I plan on making banana flour, to start!.

also, if you have any other tips, that would be cool!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

They sell food umbrellas!. Just nets that lay over plates!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

hmm you know they have these net things, the link is below!. its like a little screen for your food when you're outside, my mom has a couple!. id put it on a completely flat surface, like not on a table with cracks!.!.!.im just ocd like that!.


maybe spray some fruit fly killer spray on it so the fruit won't be bad look for it at wal-martWww@FoodAQ@Com

Try some minced garlic as garlic taken a bit a day will repel fleas and so it seems like it would repel the gnats too!. Garlic keeps the fleas from biting!. A small bit of minced garlic is OK!Www@FoodAQ@Com


Food umbrellas (a fine netting over a wire support) sold for use over picnic tables work well!.

The MuseWww@FoodAQ@Com

Heather beat me to the answer!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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