What is the simplest way to prepare fresh strwberrys for freezing?!
I bought a bunch of fresh strawberrys and we just aren't eating them quickly enough!. I would like to take the hulls out and freeze them, but I don't know if it takes more preperation than that!. also how long will they last in the freezer!? thanks!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The best way to freeze fresh strawberry's is to!.
1!.Wash the strawberry's
2!.Cut the tops off(The little green leafs)
3!.Put them in a freezer bag!.(Push as much of the air out of them)
4!.Right the date you put them in the freeze
They will last about 3 months in the freeze!.
Just a little things with them in is that you will need to make smooths,pies,booze drinks,ice cream!.The will be gross if you try to freeze them and then take them out and let them defrost!.
Hope this helpsWww@FoodAQ@Com
1!.Wash the strawberry's
2!.Cut the tops off(The little green leafs)
3!.Put them in a freezer bag!.(Push as much of the air out of them)
4!.Right the date you put them in the freeze
They will last about 3 months in the freeze!.
Just a little things with them in is that you will need to make smooths,pies,booze drinks,ice cream!.The will be gross if you try to freeze them and then take them out and let them defrost!.
Hope this helpsWww@FoodAQ@Com
We freeze them all the time!. We just wash them, try them on paper towels, shuck them, and then place them in a freezer bag!.
They should last about 3 months without a problem!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
They should last about 3 months without a problem!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
No idea on this, but welcome back furry feet!.=p