Best way to package & ship cookies?!
I want to send my lovely boyfriend some homemade cookies in the mail, but I want them to still be soft and delicious!. We live in the same state, so they would only be in the mail for 3-4 days tops!.
Any ideas on how to keep them moist and chewy!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Any ideas on how to keep them moist and chewy!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Use popcorn for the packing material, he can eat it also!. Just plain though!.
Lace the cookies though it!. He can have fun finding them also!.
I received them this way shipped cost to coast in the military and never had a cracked cookie!.
A desiccant packet will absorb the moisture!. That is their purpose!.
With bubble wrap and tins you still have cookie against cookie!.
Ups store charges twice as much as post office!. $1!.90 extra just for a residential delivery!.
Since you are in the same state it should be nest day delivery anyway!.
I have 30 years shipping/receiving experience!.
You're Quite Welcome,Www@FoodAQ@Com
Lace the cookies though it!. He can have fun finding them also!.
I received them this way shipped cost to coast in the military and never had a cracked cookie!.
A desiccant packet will absorb the moisture!. That is their purpose!.
With bubble wrap and tins you still have cookie against cookie!.
Ups store charges twice as much as post office!. $1!.90 extra just for a residential delivery!.
Since you are in the same state it should be nest day delivery anyway!.
I have 30 years shipping/receiving experience!.
You're Quite Welcome,Www@FoodAQ@Com
I like UPS best for perishables, i wouls wrap them in plastic wrap then put them in a resealable container!. When you go to the UPS store, they will put them in the correct box and cushion them with styrofoam p-nuts!.
krystan m
krystan m
Tin biscuit or air tight plastic container with bubble plastic and silicon gel packet in it, so that it won't crack the cookies easily when handling shipment!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Get bubble-rap in your bookstore,tokeep them fresh I would wrap them in tinfoil (alluminum) paper first!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
two words: bubble wrapWww@FoodAQ@Com