Way to make noughts and crosses out of food ?!
Do your favourite cheese straw recipe, shape 'em into Os & Xs and present on a square plate!.
Raw carrots cut into strips for the Xs & slices of tomato for the Os; spring onions for the Xs and beetroot slices for the Os; gherkins for Xs and pickled onions for Os!. Put any of these on a bed of grated cheese on top of slices of bread - or indeed toast the bread and pour over a cheese and grill the top before adding the garnish!. Chopped cress for the frames looks good!.
Cheddar-type cheese cuts into most shapes, as does Red Leicester!.
Make a spongecake in a flattish square tin, cut into shapes and ice; make cookies in the shapes required, or do summat with bought cookies - they're easier to make than you'd think, though!.
Sausages cut lengthwise and onion rings on a bed of mashed potato, mark the grid in ketchup!.
Make a trifle and use sweets and chocolate flakes for the pattern!.
Then go and play football to work it all off, lol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Raw carrots cut into strips for the Xs & slices of tomato for the Os; spring onions for the Xs and beetroot slices for the Os; gherkins for Xs and pickled onions for Os!. Put any of these on a bed of grated cheese on top of slices of bread - or indeed toast the bread and pour over a cheese and grill the top before adding the garnish!. Chopped cress for the frames looks good!.
Cheddar-type cheese cuts into most shapes, as does Red Leicester!.
Make a spongecake in a flattish square tin, cut into shapes and ice; make cookies in the shapes required, or do summat with bought cookies - they're easier to make than you'd think, though!.
Sausages cut lengthwise and onion rings on a bed of mashed potato, mark the grid in ketchup!.
Make a trifle and use sweets and chocolate flakes for the pattern!.
Then go and play football to work it all off, lol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Use bread stick dough!.!.!.(or refrigerator biscuits!.!.!.!.!.maybe even pie crust)!.!.!.use a walnut-size amount of dough!.!.!.!.roll in palms of hands to pencil thin!.!.!.!.!.!.!.make circle !.!.!.O!.!.!.put on baking pan!.!.!.!.!.another amount!.!.!.!.break in 1/2 and lay one piece over the other!.!.!.X!.!.!.!.continue until you get required amount needed!.!.!.!.bake!.!.!.!.as directed!.!.!.or until golden brown!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I think there are X pretzels, and I know there are 0 pretzels !.!.!.!. or use julienne and round-sliced carrotsWww@FoodAQ@Com
try icing sugar or marzipan or french nougatWww@FoodAQ@Com