Are mealy Apples/Fruits in general any less nutritious or healthy for you than their ripe/juicy counterparts?!
I've left some Granny Smith apples out for 2 and a half + weeks and as I was making some smoothies at 1 am I decided that I might as well add them!. When I cut them open I found that they were quite dry, mealy, and brown in the middle!. I'm wondering if adding them to the smoothie will detract from the taste and/or be any less healthy than the juicy Fuji's I've added!.
Basically, I'm debating whether or not to keep them or throw them away!. I've read that there are a few recipies for apple butter/sauce but I'm wondering if it's even worth it!.
I probably would want to hear back within the hour otherwise I most likely will have already decided by then!. if anyone nutritionists/mealy apple experts happen to be up in the middle of the night!.!.!.!. or are on the opposite side of the world and are happening to read this!.
Basically, I'm debating whether or not to keep them or throw them away!. I've read that there are a few recipies for apple butter/sauce but I'm wondering if it's even worth it!.
I probably would want to hear back within the hour otherwise I most likely will have already decided by then!. if anyone nutritionists/mealy apple experts happen to be up in the middle of the night!.!.!.!. or are on the opposite side of the world and are happening to read this!.
your sugar has turned to starch!. I'd discard the brown bits the rest will be useable and add some fiber and nutrients!. once fruits and veggies are harvested their sugar begins to convert to starch!. newly harvested potatoes can be quite sweet!. delicate fruits like cherries and strawberries are best used very soon after they are picked!. Since we are directly opposite from when the apples were harvested most cold storage apples are mealy this time of year!. Even if they are from New Zealand or some place were fall was more recent they've had quite a journey to get here and lost some of their sweetnessWww@FoodAQ@Com
I don't think they will harm you, but they might not add much to the flavour!. Quite a few people I know wait until banana's go completely black before eating them!. They taste sweeter when they have ripened, maybe it is the same for apples!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
i dont think they will be bad for you they may be a little sweeterWww@FoodAQ@Com
sounds yikes to me!Www@FoodAQ@Com