OK can some one tell me just how much is a pinch and a dash of something and how can it be measured?!

Question: OK can some one tell me just how much is a pinch and a dash of something and how can it be measured!?
If a recipe calls for a pinch of something, it is literally what fits between your thumb and forefinger, or about 1/16 teaspoon!
A pinch is smaller than a dash!. So a dash is bigger than 1/16 of a teaspoon but!.!.!.less than and 1/8 teaspoon of dry ingredients!. Fortunately a pinch and a dash usually refer to salt, and that is according to your own taste!

nfd ?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ah, yes, we are back to the old old measurements!.

pinch - the amount you can pick up easily between thumb and finger!.

dash - a shake from a shaker

glug - tip pitcher or jug really quickly then back up

lump of butter the size of
walnut - think the English walnut not the Black
hen's egg - about 1/4 cup
pullet's egg - about a tablespoon less than hens

wine glass - 4 ounces
tea cup - 6 ounces
coffee cup - 6 ounces
coffee mug - 8 or more ounces

I have a "recipt book" hand written in the late 1800s by my great great grandmother with these and more measurements in it!.

They do sell measuring sets with some of the spoon measures, like the pinch and dash in them, but I am not sure I would trust them!. Have been doing the old way so long!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

To add a pinch of something as a cooking ingredient!. Use your thumb, index finger and middle finger to grab the spice!.

To add a small pinch!. Use your thumb and index finger only to grab some spice, then add it!.

A dash is at least 1/16 but less than 1/8 teaspoonWww@FoodAQ@Com

A pinch is the quantity that can be held between the thumb and forefinger without "loading up!." A dash is from a container, one shake if grate capped, one finger tap on open mouthed container ready to discharge!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You can purchase measuring spoons at walmart for these measurements, it comes in a set!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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