Charcoal grill vs. gas grill in terms of food flavor.?!
I love the taste of meat cooked on an outdoor grill!. I've always used a charcoal grill and I thought it was the charcoal that imparts the flavor!. I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to grilling!. I like the ritual of actually building the fire!. My brother uses a gas grill and says it makes no difference -- that the smoke from the fat that hits the flames is what makes barbequed meat taste good!. If that's the case I may get a gas grill!. Anyone with experience with both types of grills!? Are the results the same!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
I think my charcoal grilling tastes better!. I usually throw in some mesquite chips with it too!. I use my gas grill for corn on the cobb -(in the shucks) - or hot dogs on the side, while the better meats get put on the charcoal grill!. Sometimes, if there are no guests, and I need to cook a little something quick, then I use the gas!. But for showing off, I use charcoal definitely!. I think your brother is right to a degree in that the fat-dripping smoke from gas grills make them better than pan-fried with no flame!. But with charcoal you get fat-dripping smoke and wood smoke, too!. There are other woods you can try, too!. My friend does very well in rib competitions, and he uses apple wood!.
It is true that the juices burning off from the meat is what adds the flavor to the meat!. Some ppl swear by charcoal but I prefer using a gas grill since its just less hassle for the most part!. also, you can add smoke packs to your gas grill to bring out a smokier flavor, but thats only if your cooking something longer than a half hour or so!. Anyway, I really dont notice a difference in flavor!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The results are not the same!. Gas grills are fast and efficent!. Charcoal is for the more experinced outdoorsman!. Full flavor, long lasting, sometimes romantic, and always a conversation starter!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i really dont know!. i use a charcoal grill and i always have!. i think its more fun and more primitive lol!. i like to think charcoal tastes better and im not looking forward to check and see if there is a difference!. i might be disappointed lolWww@FoodAQ@Com
I think both taste great!.!.!. but there's just something about that charcoal that makes it taste better!Www@FoodAQ@Com