Name some things a person shouldn't say or do in a grocery store?!
Great question!! You have stuck a nerve!
Don't allow your children to run up and down the isles, or allow them to race around the store in those power chair carts for the handicapped!. If you spill something or break a jar, don't leave it there for the next person to fall, simply find a worker to clean it up!. When you take a sample, don't leave the napkin or toothpick on the food shelves, or put it back on the sample tray!.!. that's really gross!! Don't stand in front of the check out person talking on the cell phone when they are trying to collect your money or even in line at the deli on the cell phone when there are others behind you trying to check out or place and order!. If you see a person with 2 items stepping into line!.!. don't cut them off with your over flowing cart so you can go first!.!. that's just rude! Don't make a complete *** of yourself when the person behind the deli counter doesn't get the exact thickness of the lunch meat you wanted!.!.!. or yell and cause a complete scene to any worker for that matter! !. And for heavens sake!.!. take yer damn cart back!.!. Why must you leave it in the parking lot so the wind can blow it into someones car, or take up a parking space!?!?!?!?
The list goes on and on!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Don't allow your children to run up and down the isles, or allow them to race around the store in those power chair carts for the handicapped!. If you spill something or break a jar, don't leave it there for the next person to fall, simply find a worker to clean it up!. When you take a sample, don't leave the napkin or toothpick on the food shelves, or put it back on the sample tray!.!. that's really gross!! Don't stand in front of the check out person talking on the cell phone when they are trying to collect your money or even in line at the deli on the cell phone when there are others behind you trying to check out or place and order!. If you see a person with 2 items stepping into line!.!. don't cut them off with your over flowing cart so you can go first!.!. that's just rude! Don't make a complete *** of yourself when the person behind the deli counter doesn't get the exact thickness of the lunch meat you wanted!.!.!. or yell and cause a complete scene to any worker for that matter! !. And for heavens sake!.!. take yer damn cart back!.!. Why must you leave it in the parking lot so the wind can blow it into someones car, or take up a parking space!?!?!?!?
The list goes on and on!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You shouldn't sample the produce unless it is a sample!.!.!.like don't eat the grapes even though they look good!.
You shouldn't tear apart the 6 packs of drinks to try to purchase only one!.
You shouldn't break the egg carton in half to try to buy only 6 eggs!.
You shouldn't pull out a big wad of cash and flash money around!.
You shouldn't be loud or obnoxious!.
You shouldn't open packaged foods!.
You shouln't poke holes in the meat packages even though poking your finger through the plastic is fun!.
You shouldn't buy more than you can afford!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You shouldn't tear apart the 6 packs of drinks to try to purchase only one!.
You shouldn't break the egg carton in half to try to buy only 6 eggs!.
You shouldn't pull out a big wad of cash and flash money around!.
You shouldn't be loud or obnoxious!.
You shouldn't open packaged foods!.
You shouln't poke holes in the meat packages even though poking your finger through the plastic is fun!.
You shouldn't buy more than you can afford!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Don't say you're not buying beans because they are "the musical fruit!."
Don't say that Limburger cheese smells like sh*t!.
Don't say you're going to buy a lot of raw oysters because they make you horny!.
Don't compare sausages to your anatomy!.
Don't comment that cucumbers or zucchini squash can be erotic vegetables!.
Don't pick your nose and then handle the produce (or for that matter, don't pick your nose whether on not you handle the produce)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Don't say that Limburger cheese smells like sh*t!.
Don't say you're going to buy a lot of raw oysters because they make you horny!.
Don't compare sausages to your anatomy!.
Don't comment that cucumbers or zucchini squash can be erotic vegetables!.
Don't pick your nose and then handle the produce (or for that matter, don't pick your nose whether on not you handle the produce)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Bring kids who scream and shout and run around!!! Aaaaarrrgghhhh!!!
Have arguments about their marital life - this is really something no one should do in any place where there are other people!.
Hog space - take up the entire aisle with a trolley and baskets and their bodies, and block other people's way!.
Walk like brides!. (i!.e!. slooooow as snails)
Have their kids sit on those stupid, novelty trolleys that look like cars, that kids just end up using to ram against other people! Urgh!
Yell business propositions over the phone for everyone to hear!.
Try to "compete" at the registers to see who can get in the shortest queue!.
Take ages at the register, and ask everyone to wait while they go get one more apple!.
Sampling oranges, or other fruits!.
Turn the corner (especially with the trolley) without slowing down to see if there's anyone coming!. Along the same lines, walking so fast without caring about anyone in the way!. Yeah, it's not your car, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt!
Or worse, a combination of one or more of the above!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Have arguments about their marital life - this is really something no one should do in any place where there are other people!.
Hog space - take up the entire aisle with a trolley and baskets and their bodies, and block other people's way!.
Walk like brides!. (i!.e!. slooooow as snails)
Have their kids sit on those stupid, novelty trolleys that look like cars, that kids just end up using to ram against other people! Urgh!
Yell business propositions over the phone for everyone to hear!.
Try to "compete" at the registers to see who can get in the shortest queue!.
Take ages at the register, and ask everyone to wait while they go get one more apple!.
Sampling oranges, or other fruits!.
Turn the corner (especially with the trolley) without slowing down to see if there's anyone coming!. Along the same lines, walking so fast without caring about anyone in the way!. Yeah, it's not your car, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt!
Or worse, a combination of one or more of the above!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Don't ask the checker, how much toilet paper do I need for the amount of food you haveWww@FoodAQ@Com
Don't try to wash your hands in the produce sprinklers!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Damn i'm hungry!!,you tend to buy more than yu needWww@FoodAQ@Com