Can I use printed coupons on top of store specials? ?!
I was wondering if a grocery store has specials, and I print coupons can I use them on top on them being in special price at the store at the store!? Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes, yes, yes! You are so lucky and smart! That is how you save the most!. Get something on sale (special) and use a coupon!. Our area does not double coupons, but if your stores do, that is even better! Great deal!
When in doubt, ask the person at the service desk!. I feel kinda dumb sometimes, but I act nice and state my question honestly!. They are more helpful that way!
Tonight my daughter and I were at Payless Shoes, Buy one, get one half off!. We were given a coupon at the bottom of our receipt, and tried to use it!. The computer let the sales associate put the sale through, but one of the other ladies got really mad! The coupon was if you buy $25 worth of shoes, you get $5 off!. We met all of the requirements and yet did not get one pair because they were not available in the correct size!. Another store put them on hold for us!. When we went there we had another coupon, found two pair of shoes and attempted to use the coupon!. They had a fit and fell in it! We did not read at the bottom that only one special per transaction, so we couldn't use it and get the second half off!. They were nasty about it, and so I had two more pairs I wanted to get, and I just put them back!. I did not expect them to give me every deal in the store, but it was attitude!. If you ask before, I am sure coupons can be explained!. These two ladies did not know, they just knew they would get chewed out if they let us use the coupon!. It's all in the attitude!
Happy couponing!Www@FoodAQ@Com
When in doubt, ask the person at the service desk!. I feel kinda dumb sometimes, but I act nice and state my question honestly!. They are more helpful that way!
Tonight my daughter and I were at Payless Shoes, Buy one, get one half off!. We were given a coupon at the bottom of our receipt, and tried to use it!. The computer let the sales associate put the sale through, but one of the other ladies got really mad! The coupon was if you buy $25 worth of shoes, you get $5 off!. We met all of the requirements and yet did not get one pair because they were not available in the correct size!. Another store put them on hold for us!. When we went there we had another coupon, found two pair of shoes and attempted to use the coupon!. They had a fit and fell in it! We did not read at the bottom that only one special per transaction, so we couldn't use it and get the second half off!. They were nasty about it, and so I had two more pairs I wanted to get, and I just put them back!. I did not expect them to give me every deal in the store, but it was attitude!. If you ask before, I am sure coupons can be explained!. These two ladies did not know, they just knew they would get chewed out if they let us use the coupon!. It's all in the attitude!
Happy couponing!Www@FoodAQ@Com
It sometimes depends on the special price, but usually not!.
If they only list one price for the item and it's not conditional (i!.e!. with your card, when you buy three, if you do a little dance) then that's the price they usually base it off of!. If they list more than one price and the lower price is based on a condition, they will apply the coupon to the higher price!. That's the meaning of "not valid with other offers"!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If they only list one price for the item and it's not conditional (i!.e!. with your card, when you buy three, if you do a little dance) then that's the price they usually base it off of!. If they list more than one price and the lower price is based on a condition, they will apply the coupon to the higher price!. That's the meaning of "not valid with other offers"!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I have used coupons for sale items many times!. For example, if soup is on sale for 1!.99 and you have a coupon for !.50 cents off that exact brand of soup, then go right ahead!. It would only cost you $1!.49!. also, a lot of stores will double coupons if they are under a certain amount, even on sale items!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes, you can and if you don't decide to use the coupons that
day, you can always use them later until they expire!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
day, you can always use them later until they expire!.Www@FoodAQ@Com