Has any one ever heard of a Flat Iron Steak?!
I had it in a restaurant last night!. I asked if it was cooked on a flat skillet but he said it was grilled and the cut of beef was called " Flat Iron" Oh, about the most tender steak I have ever eaten!. Not the best, but very, very good!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yep, it's a Top Blade steak cut from the tender top of the blade roast
Here's the statement from Chris Caulkins the man who led the team who developed it!.
"I am the scientist who led the project that characterized beef muscles and lead to the development of the flat iron steak!. It was developed through a cooperative effort with a national meat processor and a local restaurant chain!. The name is an old industry term that has proven to have a lot of charisma with consumers!. We have been unable to trace the source of the name!. In its current use, it refers to a particular piece of meat cut in a specific way!. This new form in no way resembles "an old flat iron" in shape - or in taste!. It's one of the two most tender muscles in the beef carcass and has a rich, succulent flavor that most consumers appreciate!."
A gentleman named Bill from a meat market in Napa, California had a the historical perspective!. According to Bill, "the French were the first to discover the Flat Iron Steak, not too long ago!. This steak, which has a thick gristle and sinew plate running through the center of it, must be trimmed to remove this undesirable gristle!. The gristle is so tough, the French got to calling it "iron hard," and since it is flat!.!.!.voila!."
Here's the statement from Chris Caulkins the man who led the team who developed it!.
"I am the scientist who led the project that characterized beef muscles and lead to the development of the flat iron steak!. It was developed through a cooperative effort with a national meat processor and a local restaurant chain!. The name is an old industry term that has proven to have a lot of charisma with consumers!. We have been unable to trace the source of the name!. In its current use, it refers to a particular piece of meat cut in a specific way!. This new form in no way resembles "an old flat iron" in shape - or in taste!. It's one of the two most tender muscles in the beef carcass and has a rich, succulent flavor that most consumers appreciate!."
A gentleman named Bill from a meat market in Napa, California had a the historical perspective!. According to Bill, "the French were the first to discover the Flat Iron Steak, not too long ago!. This steak, which has a thick gristle and sinew plate running through the center of it, must be trimmed to remove this undesirable gristle!. The gristle is so tough, the French got to calling it "iron hard," and since it is flat!.!.!.voila!."
That cut of meat was supposedly used in poor times by migrant workers , it is actually a rather tough cut, but proprerly prepared can be quite good-usually in tex mex grills when cooked on a hot rock w/proper spices is delic!!!!
Must have been tenderized!.