How to dehydrate an avacodo?!
The increasing production of avocados in California necessitates a thorough
consideration of all methods of profitably disposing of the crop. California's great
distance from her principal markets and the perishable nature of avocados will always
restrict the marketing of the fresh fruit. The lack of familiarity of retailers and consumers
with the proper maturing and uses of this fruit further restricts its distribution.
The marketing of the more cheaply grown, yet excellent Mexican varieties and the
utilization of second grade or cull Guatemalan varieties, both of which are unsuitable for
fresh shipment, adds to the problems of profitable production. As with many other
California fruits, the manufacture of part of the crop into an imperishable form would not
only greatly increase the market for avocados throughout the year, but would tend to
stabilize the seasonal fresh market. Printed directions on a container of preserved
avocados would do much to acquaint the consumer with the merits of this particular
fruit. The recent phenomenal success of dehydration in California as a method of preserving
fruits very naturally directed attention to the possibility of dehydrating avocados. Despite
the optimism of its most enthusiastic supporters, dehydration is not a universal method
of food preservation and while successful with many products is not adapted to all.
The commercial development of any product should not be attempted until the problems
of production and marketing have been thoroughly investigated.
In order to obtain information on these important questions, preliminary investigations
were instituted in the Fruit Products Laboratory in June, 1923.
Yields: The average gross shrinkage was 7.7:1, 23 per cent of the fresh weight being
lost in preparation. The actual drying ratio on the trays varied with the composition and
ripeness of the fruit from 3:1 to 6:1, averaging 5.4:1.
Packing: The dehydrated product was packed for storage in partially vacuumized glass
jars, hermetically sealed tin cans and cardboard cartons.
Conclusions: The freshly dehydrated product regained its original color, flavor and
texture very quickly on being refreshed in water, thus solving the first question of rapid,
simple and inexpensive dehydration.
After a storage period of five months all samples had developed a stale, rancid flavor
which would prevent their sale. Sulphured samples retained their natural color, while all
samples regained their original texture in water.
Since avocados are not favored by the natural preservative action of the sugar and acid,
common to most dried fruits, it is evident that the successful preservation of dehydrated
avocados depends on finding some treatment or container which will effectually prevent
rancidification of the oil. Rancidification requires a certain amount of oxygen and since
the jars used in packing were only partially vacuumized it is possible that packing in a
high vacuum may prevent or greatly retard deterioration.
Another suggested method consists in making the avocados firm by partial dehydration
followed by canning in a dilute brine, with or without the addition of vinegar. The cans
would then be hermetically sealed to exclude air and sterilized by heat.
The Fruit Products Laboratory is not unmindful of the problems facing the avocado
grower and is desirous of aiding all growers to the limits of its resources in solving the
many problems in California horticultural products. Efforts will be made to continue the
investigations further in the hope that a successful method of preserving avocados will
Leave them alone, they are quite stable as they are. I have made guacamole using fresh lime juice and mayo and that keeps the mixture bright green for a long time, and keeping it covered and airtight will also prevent them from browning.
You can't dehydrate avocados due to their high fat content. They will never dry out due to the amount of fat in them.
Boil in hot water to dehydrate.