Does 'Carbohydrate - of which sugars' mean sugar?!
Carbohydrates can include sugars but not all carbohydrates are sugar. Carbohydrate can include dietary fibre, which the body does not digest but which is useful for helping to keep the bowel working properly. Some foods that contain carbohydrate include bread, potato, pasta, cereals, rice, candy or confectionery. If the nutrition label says "Carbohydrates 50 g, of which 5g are sugars, then you have only 5g of simple sugars (eg, glucose) in that product. However, the rest of the carbohydrate, which is a COMPLEX carbohydrate, can still be broken down by your body into sugars. So although there may only be 5g of simple sugars in the product, you body will be able to use the full 50 grams of carbohydrate eventually - except any fibre, which cannot be digested, but is necessary.