How do I quietly get a drink?!
I hate when this happens.
Okay, tiptoe, bring your phone/iPod for light.
Quietly get a cup, make sure it doesn't hit like, the shelf, 'cause that's always louder when it's late.
If you don't mind, use sink water. No brightness. ;)
If you want something from the fridge, quietly open it, but right when you open it, push the buttons that the doors push when they're closed, it turns the light off. Hold them down! ;D
Use your iPod or phone for light to see what you have, blahblahblah. I think you can take it from there.
Every night. ;)
What I do is take a glass of juice or water with me when I go to bed and set it on a paper towel or something; on my night stand or dresser. Then I don't have to go to the kitchen and take a chance of disturbing anyone.
Why worry about disturbing people if you need a drink. Just go get it!
haha thats a weird question.... i say just get some water....?