How do you know if a pomegranate is too old?!
I have heard that pomegranates gets better the longer you wait before you eat them. I just ate one which I have had for perhaps 3 weeks, and it kind of tasted like alcohol. Does this mean it's too old? Was it a bad choice to eat it anyway, and can it make me intoxicated..?
Always use your sense of smell, touch and taste and eyesight when evaluating food. Good food should smell good, look good and not fall apart in your hands. You've had an over-riped pomegranate which will not make you drunk or hopefully too sick. The sugars, fructose in the fruit has started the process of fermentation. It happens to all fruit after a while. You'll be all right, now you know what not to do next time. Don't give up on that fruit, its delicious when just right and full of vitamins.