is this an odd way to eat pixie sticks or do you do it too?!
i always have trouble getting the sugar out of the tube, so instead of cutting it, and dumping it into my mouth I;
take the pixie stick, bend it in half
put the whole thing in my mouth
and just chew it until it stops tasting good
then i spit it out
is that weird, cause my boyfriend said it is.???????
take the pixie stick, bend it in half
put the whole thing in my mouth
and just chew it until it stops tasting good
then i spit it out
is that weird, cause my boyfriend said it is.???????
Why would you eat the paper? Yeah, that's weird.
I wouldn't do it in public or in front of anyone, but if that's the way you like it and no one sees you do it, go for it.
It you don't slobber on the end it comes out just fine.
I use my head.
Wow, um, sorry - weird.