I bought girl scout cookies and they didn't even tell me thank you?!
I'd feel slightly put out if that happened to me. A lot of people don't teach their kids manners, which is unfortunate. Manners never go out of style.
maybe next time that happens, say you're welcome young lady and have a nice day. you don't need to say it in a mean or rude way, just kind of matter of fact like way. maybe that will send a message.
Dude for them you are a customer for only a matter of minutes. Their "nice" social skills will last up until you pay them. After that they don't care, they just want your money and they most likely won't see you again
It is simply the fact of the matter.
interesting question... but yeah they sound like brats haha i used to be a girl scout and to be polite when going door-to-door was like the rule
kids these days aren't being taught any manners and im not some eighty year old spinster i am twenty years old and i can see it
Sometimes kids just forget about such things. That's why it's quite alright to remind them on the spot!
I'm sure they appreciated your kindness!! Now, let it go.
wow bad girl scouts