should I have cake or apple?!
so I really like these apples because they're tasty and I like apples
I also really like the cake..
but I only want to have one because I'm not hungry enough to eat both ...
I hate choosing between things and I know this is a stupid question but it was the first thing I thought of :P
btw I don't care which is healthier because then it would be easy to choose ... I'm not watching what I eat right now, I just want them both just as much and I need help to decide!
Eat the apple now, and later eat the cake...simple as that....=)
the apple.
Because if you eat enough tto match the amount of apple the cake will make you feel sick.
like 'i wanna vomit' kindas sick.
So I suggest the apple if the serving are the same.
plus. apples r delicious :P
Cake will fill you up faster, because of the calories, while apples are great for giving you energy.
I would suggest the apple, because apples are delicious. lol. :)
eat both together eat a bit of cake and a bit of apple it tastes good
Eat the apple. It's more filling.
Depends on thr cake though I would eat the cake because raw apples make my tummy hurt
apple is better for u