How long is too long fo meat in the fridge?!
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Yes, it will be fine.
Yes but...
Depends on your refridgeration and storage.
If it was in a sealed container, it will last about a week at 40 deg. F.
If it was plain open, by itself exposed, probably 2 days.
This also depends on WHAT meat it was, chicken, beef, mermaid, unicorn, etc.
STILL, 2 days is fine, regardless.
It will be fine.
Remember, fresh meat is supposed to be good for a few days after the "best if used by" date on the wrapper.
Discussion of american 'use by' dating:
If you butcher your own meat and have been good about sanitation, chilling meat quickly, wrapping properly, etc, it should be good for a week-10 days.
Sight and smell should be your clue. If it smells soured or bad, and looks iridescent or gray/green. Its no good. Mold is bad, lol. Salmonella looks like pink scum or mold.
It depends on wheather the frig is plugged in or not.
Whirlpool owners manual.......the pictures
my dad kept a rabbit in the Freezer for 1 year and i did eat it i was ok