If you get Food Poison can it be from something you ate that day?!
Symptoms can occur within an hour; or can take as long as Weeks to appear.
Because food poisoning can be delayed significantly, it's important to recall just what you ate over a given time period. Look for raw foods such as oysters and salad or places you may have eaten that didn't look up to code. If you can recall when you ate there and what foods you consumed, you can create a basic timetable to determine what kind of food poisoning is involved.
Read more: How Long Does it Take for Food Poisoning to Take Effect? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5558817_long-f…
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What were you doing feeding a nearly two year old child bologna for breakfast? I'm not surprised he got sick- I would have been amazed if he hadn't, in fact. Bologna is high fat, and it's FULL of additives that your son's system obviously couldn't handle. All those nitrates and nitrites are hard for most ADULTS to digest, never MIND a toddler your son's age. It is true that food poisoning can take a while to hit- but in your son's case I doubt that his illness was caused by a bacterial infection. I think it's much more likely that he had a reaction to one or more of the additives in the bologna, which is NOT a suitable food for someone his age. No, I think that it was definitely the bologna that made him puke.
Hopefully, you'll have learned something from this, and will find something more appropriate for your son to eat the next time you go out to breakfast. I feel bad for your mom, too- there's nothing more unpleasant to deal with than a toddler who's puking and has the runs from bad food. She needs to be careful how she handles his messes, because he could easily make HER SICK, especially if perchance he does have some type of bug in his system. If his symptoms don't subside in a day or so, then call your pediatrician.
I have a degree in dietetics.
Actual food poisoning takes about 6 hours to hit. If it's been about that long, it could be, but remember there are a LOT of bugs going around this time of year. Don't force him to eat anything else, and make sure he's still drinking a lot of fluids to stay hydrated. If it's something that disagreed with his stomach, he should be feeling better by tomorrow, if not sooner.
I've been a paramedic for 10 years
Yes... food poisoning can be from food eaten that day, usually 4 hours earlier. However, I've heard up to 72 hours depending upon what made you sick.
Also, your child is only 18 months, children have weaker immune system than adults... I would suspect it was something he ate that day.
I once ate shrimp tacos for lunch at a Mexican restaurant. I was puking my guts out just one hour later and that was the only thing it could have been, so yeah sometimes your body says "I have to get rid of this NOW!"