Can anyone tell me how to lose a fat tummy without gaining muscles?!
I understand the problem you’ve been going through when trying to lose weight and flatten your stomach. My friend was in the same situation as you, nothing seemed to work for him until he came across the truth about six-pack abs. He’s had great success with it, and maybe this is something which could be right for you. Good luck !
I used to have the fattest stomach. Here's a good site I found that really helped. It gave me great workouts and diet tips and showed me what I was doing wrong before...
Good luck to you!
Crunches and sit ups along with yoga poses will elongate the torso and stretch the skin and make the torso flatter without building muscle on it.
run, run, run, run and keep on running. Especially if you don't want to alter your eating habits.
Pull ups build muscle. You need to get your heart rate up by doing cardio ... aerobics, running, power-walking, etc.