I don't understand........?!
It is actually healthier to eat smaller portions throughout the day than 3 full meals. Smaller portioned meals dont allow u to over-eat and if u are finding u need them every hour and u r 100% healthy, try eating more satisfying small meals that fill u
Longer like a cup of pasta, an apple, graham crackers, and juice. That should hold u off for a few hours and then u can eat another small meal. Good luck :)
Hunger timing is trained metamorphosism habit (addiction), not mere nature of metabolism. Your metaphysic system needs justification to get biogas, biohydro, biochem, bioelectronic, biomagnetic, biophysic transformative circulation simultaneously <> spontaneously flows metamorphosism, metamobilism, metamobilism in one for logical living trend, instead of fashionally fighting against each other within, fomulating bigotries to explode without, following political socio-economic logic.
eating small portions speeds up your metabolism, and from the sounds of it, you prob already have high metabolism..