What are some good foods to eat when you're sick?!
if your stomach hurts the BEST thing to eat is toast with butter and carbonated water or gingerale, If your head and throat hurts then I recommend hot tea or hot soup. Hope you feel better :)
toast with jam(jelly) or butter
and cola
toast helps dry up the acid in your stomach
the coke can make you burp which leaves less acid
some tea if you prefer recipe for tea
hot water
put the tea bag into a cup and wait until your water boils on the stove which should take bout 2 Min's
pour in hot water get your spoon and mix the tea bag around until its golden brown
next,pour in milk put in more milk if you want it cooler and weak but in less if you want it strong and hotter
put in one small spoon of sugar put in more if u want
wait 1 minute for it to cool down and there u got tea to help your stomach and cure ur throat and headache ts always good for you when ur sick
You got me... I found this. http://www.amazon.com/Koolatron-LTK-VF02G-R-Vending-Fridge-Red/dp/B000HPOQNK%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAISJDSS4FGFKOAYFQ%26tag%3Dyan006-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB000HPOQNK
Chicken noodle soup.
Ritz crackers.
And for some reason I like to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches when I'm sick.
What I always eat and drink when I'm sick.
Force clear liquids and teaspoons of honey will help. Warm liquids will soothe your throat.
good ole chicken noodle soup is yummy
hot green tea
warm soup to soothe the throat and fruittttttssss :D feel better!
Chicken Soup, if you can try to make fresh and not from cans or stock.