Differences and Similarities between Dark chocolate and Milk Chocolate ?!
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The major difference I find between the two is that dark is more bitter then milk, which sometimes makes the dark go better with certain foods and drinks. Also I have heard dark chocolate is better and healthier for you as it has more antioxidants and is said to lower stress.
I love chocolate . . .so I find any type of chocolate will make me happy and lower my stress :)
SImilarities- there both chocolate, and there both made from hersheys and different chocolate companies
Differences-Dark chocolate is comprised of cocoa liqueur, cocoa butter and sugar and
Milk chocolate adds milk and uses less liqueur than the dark chocolate.
milk choclates lighter, and dark chocolates darker
Dark chocolates better for you
Dark chocolates bitter
Dark chocolate is less fattening, higher in antioxidants, and higher in theobromine. Milk chocolate has been diluted with mild and sugar, so it tastes less bitter but isn't as healthy.
Dark Chocolate is bitter, chalky, not sweet.
Milk Chocolate is sweet, smooth, melts in your mouth, and can go with anything!
It's said that Dark Chocolate is good for you? It's better for you than Milk chocolate but milk chocolate does taste better (;