Can a brick of cheese be used as a deadly weapon?!
UMMM.... wow...! yes it can be used as a wepon if you throw it in there temple / head / neck areas it could KILL PS:why was that question asked its so strange and are you gunna kill some one with CHEESE LOLZ ^(*_*)>
Almost anything can be used as a deadly weapon. If you throw the cheese hard enough or drop it from a sufficient height then the cheese would become a very deadly projectile. However, there is a chance that you would leave fingerprints behind so the deadly cheese would become traceable unless you are able to eat it before anyone else arrives at the scene of the crime. I would suggest using a common variety of cheese because a more obscure cheese could be easier to trace. Another option is to put the brick of cheese in a plastic bag and leave it outside for a week or so. By that point the cheese should be fairly deadly. However, I really would not recommended eating the cheese with this method.
Yes it can be used as a weapon! You smack someone with it then you shove it down there throat.
Orrr.. you could leave the cheese out for like a month to rot then feed it to someone
hmmmm i can tell
yes - if the velocity was high enough.
yes - you would most likely be caught if you used cheese as a weapon, they have many other ways of catching someone than finding the weapon.
I guess if you're throwing it hard enough. Maybe if you choked them with it by shoving it down their throat. My main guess would be probably if it hits them hard enough like in the head or neck area.
Lol. If u shove it down someone's throat I guess so. And, uh..I guess u wait til the person is dead, pull it out and eat it? Ewwwwww...
Yes it probably could be used.
It is possible you could eat the evidence.
i can see it now.the liberal politicians calling for the banning of all hard cheese
First of all..
Y do u wanna know?
can a cheese of brick be used as a weapon deadly?
some things we'll never know...