How should oregano be stored?!
depends if it is fresh or dry oregano. if you bought fresh, chop it up finely, put it into the ice cube tray and fill it up with water. store the cubes then in a plastic bag or tightly closing box. if/when you need it, throw one cube into the soup, sauce or other liquid. sadly, no sprinkling onto pizza with this method.
dried, commercially bought herbs, store in a cool dry space. herbs also do not like direct strong light or sunlight all day long. as said, the cupboard above the oven is not the right place. also do not buy big quantities, never mind it might be the sale of the century. after 6 month the herbs are starting to loose their flavor. and you might sprinkle dry ,tasteless flakes of something into your soup.
35 years executive chef
In an air tight container like you buy at the shop/store. If you use it a lot you can put it in a glass jar but if not, sunlight can affect it in a glass jar so best in a little tub in the cupboard/press/cabinet.
All spices and dry herbs should be stored in an air tight and dark container in a cool location.
So that cupboard above the stove, while convenient is not the best place for storage.
I always store my herbs in the freezer. (I dont have a garden or window box) so buy fresh herbs from the shops. Wash them then freeze them. It works really well.