which flavour of Doritos do you like?!
Cool ranch usually, but sometimes I have a hankering for the nacho cheese. I haven't tried any of the newer flavors. I like to dip Doritos in mustard -- people kinda freak out when I tell them this, but it really is good!
Spicy Nacho
Gotta be cheese, wish they's make them even more cheesier! and garlic dip to go with yummmers
Cool when I'm having it with a Salsa dip, but Cheesy for snacking!
I like the salted ones best . Im boring. Lol
coochie or panochas!
They're all great but I can't pick between Cool & Cheese =P
Cheese all the way
Chilli Is the best :)
cheese but when they made pizza flavour i loved them.
Cheese cheese cheese.......................cheese
my stomach