is Chinese fried rice deep fried, or pan fried?!
its stir fried basicaly putting oil in the pan and then the rice and stir it
its stir fried and it means that you have white rice pre cooked from a rice maker on the side and you then stir fry your ingredients such as your chicken, egg, onions, and whatever else you like (peas, carrots etc.) then once you cook the egg onion chicken etc in the pan you add the already cooked rice to the pan add soy sauce and whatever other ingredients, (maybe sesame oil if you choose, hot pepper, etc.)
its actually browned in a wok, with a little oil... so its close to pan fried, but not quite the same thing
stir frying is tossing it in a small amount of oil in a wok, or pan.
stirfried, its basically pan frying in a huge pan called a wok
food is good