Re-heating cooking oil ?!
is this harmful ? re-heating the same cooking oil ? i read somewhere its cancerous.
If you're careful with your oil, only heating to the needed temperature for what you're frying.. you should be able to use it 2 or 3 times. When oil starts to turn dark, it's breaking down and will start to absorb into the foods making it very oily. It's best to filter oil after each use. You may do this by pouring through a coffee filter put into a strainer over a bowl. Then put the filtered oil into the fridge until the next use.
Hope this helps.
Owned 2 restaurants and do LOTS of cooking still!
It depends on the oil. If it is olive oil, there is no problem, but again after it is cold you have to filter it and store in a bottle. If it is sunflower oil or cotton oil or whatever, then i think you can use more than twice but the second time and beyond there won't be any healthy ingredients in the oil, that's why they say it's dangerous, and this is the reason why most fast food restaurants stink.
In all cases, don't forget to throw away your oil in a bottle, never in the sink, save the environment :)