I found some 3 year old Velveeta Macaroni and ate it, thats okay right?!
It's been about an hour and we feel fine. Haha I also don't think Velveeta is exactly real cheese either. It's probably the same as spam is to steak, and spam lasts forever. Will we be ok?
The bad news: It's probably gone bad.
The good news: You won't have to worry about the cheese causing constipation. You'll likely have a case of diarrhea tomorrow!
In all sincerity, Velveeta is basically a molecule away from being plastic. You could probably eat that stuff 20 years from now and still be okay...but just in case, make sure you have a couple rolls of toilet paper on hand.
because velveeta is fake and has a bunch of preservatives in it you should be just as fine as you would have been 3 years ago.
ive eaten things way past their expiration date for example a skippy bar from like 5 years ago and it was fine. you might want to contact the company just in case something were to happen.
past experiences
You'll be fine. It's been processed the hell out of so it can't be too bad for you... I suggest you have a spring clean of your pantry though!
Expiration dates are for the weak!
yes you are still here you will live
Your good to go!
You'll live forever!!!!!!!!!!!!