Why aren't vegetables sweet?!
Well in fact there are several....
a Valdalia Onion is very sweet.(grown in Georgia)...and some types of tomatoes too.
Many have sugar in them just not a lot so the flavor is not real sweet..... but remember not all things that are good must be sweet.
I love chicken, chili, and so many other things......
They may taste "EEEW" to you because you have not had them cooked in a way that makes them appealing...
Have your mom make you a Green Bean casserole sometime........wow awesome !
They aren't sweet like candy, but many vegetables do have a sweetness to them. For example, carrots, yams, beets, some onions, jicama, etc. A lot of root vegetables are sweet actually.
The fact that you find them to be "eww" could be just that you haven't had them prepared right (to suit your taste anyway), or it could just be your age. The reason a lot of kids don't like vegetables so much is because their tastebuds aren't fully developed yet. So, the slight bitterness in something like spinach would taste much worse to them than it would to most adults.
Green beans,fresh garden and petit pois peas , cauliflower,Sweet potatoes, sweetcorn, are sweet, aHope this helps.nd those already listed.
Unlike fruits, they do not contain high levels of natural sugar (fructose). However sweetcorn, carrots and peas may be to your liking.
we should it for our healthy health because every medicine has not sweet taste although it makes our health good.
idk but i love vegies, it all depends on how u make them, my parents got creative with cooking vegies so my whole family loves comin over for a meal