Do you support slaughterhouses?!
No I don't support slaughterhouses, but then, I'm a vegetarian.
If you don't support them but do eat meat, you should question why you don't support them and where your meat comes from (I can 99.9% guarantee that it comes from slaughterhouses).
If you want to eat meat and don't have any objections to slaughterhouses, that's fine. If you object to them you shouldn't eat meat.
Vegetarian who is happy for others to eat meat as long as they understand where it comes from.
(I don't like preachy vegetarians who try and convert meat eaters).
Yes I support them because what would the alternative be to providing meat to millions of meat eaters... would it not be chaos having to rear your own chicken/lamb and then slaughter it skin it etc. Think of the disposing of carcasses, feathers etc... it would be everywhere and not just around the slaughterhouses!
I understand why some have answered as they have.......but try to be somewhat of a realist. Example...what type of animals are being processed? Are they being raised strictly as a food source? Look at the overall many people would be affected if these processing plants weren't in place. We live in an economic society and dollars made from raising these animals, all the way down the line to the consumer, who would be affected if this were not the case. Not everyone is a vegetarian. We in America...thankfully, are allowed to make choices. One of our largest problems now is that everyone is trying to push their individual beliefs down our throats.......Make your own decisions based on your own homework (belief) and don't attempt to force those beliefs on everyone around you........
How else would you cut up meat? Are there other places that do it? I would say if you want to eat meat, you have to support some form of slaughterhouse. How else would KFC get their chicken? I support anything KFC does to bring forth their delicious fried chicken to the world. No one can resist the Colonel's secret recipe.
they pollute the surronding area with a horrific smell.
I think you should do your own homework.
I don't support them because they mass murder and let humans be lazy.
no, i don't.