What snacks should I bring for a plane ride?!
I like pretzels. I would bring some candied ginger, so you don't get motion sickness.
M&Ms,gummy bears,almonds,pretzels,skittles,banana or apples chips or if you wanna go healthy you can try chopped strawberries,apples,melon or kiwi.you can also bring a bag of grapes,cherries,blueberries. also make sure you bring water or juice :)
Cashews, raisins, and M&M's are great for any trip, except for scuba diving.
I'm the Man. I'm so bad, I should be in detention.
snickers peanuts for protein, or peanut m&ms, dried banana chips,
mints (maybe the person next to you may need one)
gum just incase for the pressure in your ears.
Pretzels, peanuts, gummy bears the ultimate trio
peaches and plums and apples in a tupperware with cream. Nice fruit salad.