Do you like any weird or unusual food combinations?!
I don't know if it's strange to British people, but Americans find it odd. Heavily buttered toast dunked into tea rocks!
Also, to all the Americans out there: BEANS ON TOAST ROCKS.
Andd, i don't get why it's so weird to eat chips/fries with mayonnaise? I LOVE it.
I loveeeee cheese and onion crisp sandwiches (any, but especially that flavor) with salad cream.
yum,yum yum.
french toast and jam go together awesomely. I have never thought of it that is shouldnt go together.
i dont know if you find them weird- but i have come across people who think they are:
I like toasted raspberry jam sandwich with bacon and cheese
grilled cheese with cream cheese and slice green onions
cream cheese sandwich with either sliced marishino cherries or sliced green olives
grilled cheese with cheddar or processed- garlic powder on the buttered side and oregano on the inside
toasted sandwich with lotsa butter and chopped cooked bacon that was fried with chopped onion
pretzels dipped in ranch dip or seafood sauce
and heres a strange one from one of my daughters- peanut butter on 2 crackers , made into a mini sandwich, with processed cheese and an dill pickle slice- oh i couldn't even watch lol
i also like hot sauce on alot of things and hot pickled peppers
I sometimes eat French toast with jam I didn't think that was unusual. In the past when it was cold and I liked apples I used to slice them and dip them in warm tea. Please don't laugh I know its weird. I also like yogurt on toast and crispbread and have for a long time with marmalade on it.
Cheez-Its and Kit Kats. I swear to God. The salty balances out the sweet and it's AWESOME. My friend likes to eat them at the same time, I prefer to follow my Cheez-Its with a Kit Kat bar.
Years and years of smooooke
Raw garlic soup with grapes aka Ajo blanco - a speciality of Málaga, See here for recipe:…
Mixing ketchup into instant mash for "pink mash" is one of my fondest childhood food memories. My God, i had strange tastes.
Mc Donald's chips in Strawberry Milkshake
Or Cheese and Onion Walkers And Cadbury Milk Chocolate fingers
I like to eat Cadbury's chocolate with Walkers ready salted crisps.
I used to eat Pickles with Italian sauce dressing..
Pancakes with ketchup
I put regular Doritos on my PB&J's. Dee-lish-iss AND adds a little crunch.
chocolate and cheese....
Brazil nuts + marmite
Rice cakes + honey
Cabbage cookies
Blue cheese and raw onions with mayo on a burger.
I agree, Carlo must go!
not me, but my hubby puts hot sauce on almost everything.
In middle school, I was a member of the Chocolat Milk With Ice Club.
chocolate and crackers
I love ice cream and soda crackers.
cranberry sauce on a hamburger is a must try.