What do you think of this?!
It's great your so influenced by your family and have great inspirations.
If you feel happy working towards this, then have your heart set on it. But at the end of the day you are only 12, and life will have many opportunities for you.
Happiness is more important than the paycheck, and a nutritionist requires more intellectual detail and a hearty attitude to the job, but a chef is more casual and still hearty.
You can be both.
I think it's a great idea. Good luck x
Personally I think nutritionists have a fake job.
You read up on books and tell people how to eat?
If people are so dumb they need to be told what to eat, you've got a job full of dumb people.
And also, unless you know some truths, you'll probably tell everyone to eat fish and meat. It's a crock crackpot job, a fake job.
It's like being a life-coach.
I have had a couple of relatives who were nutritionists and they had good jobs, and seemed to enjoy the work more than the average person. Good idea.
good idea, you can help people to eat healthily and create some nutritious menu/recipe
Do what your heart desires. Never live with regret! Hope this helped!