Question on Brownies?!
They could be the most potent brownies and i'm sure she will still be able to go out on errands after just taking a half. That is, as long as they are simple errrands like picking up her lil brother from school (she should be capable of driving) or grocery shopping. If her errands involve things that require alot of concentration or effort than probably not; things such as giving an oral presentation or writing an essay. I don't know if you remember your first time taking special brownies but a half isn't alot at all.
If she's riding or walking, fine. If she's driving, I'd recommend against it. Don't ever drive the first time you try some new drug, whether it's over-the-counter, weed, or whatever. You don't know how you'll react - she might be fine and she might be totally wasted. Pot varies so much in intensity, depending on how it was grown, how much is in the brownie, how long it was cooked, etc etc etc. Please recommend that she have someone sober drive or that she take the bus or something to do her errands.
What kind of weeds?I have lots of weeds in my garden but I pull them out so the vegetables can grow.
If you are talking about marijuana why don't you say so.Are you embarrassed to say it.
Why do people do stupid things these days.
can i have some?