Food ?? eat all different ones?!
What are the foods you have to eat like everyday
Or the things like protein and stuff
What are they??
Im rrally looking to eat healthy and lose weight but i want to no what foods should i eat everyday
Thanks in advance babes
Eat fresh fruit and veggies - 4 - 5 servings every day.
Nuts, seeds and beans - 12 nuts a day, seeds and beans as meat substitutes
Fish, Seafood, Poultry - 1 portion every other day = size of your fist
Beef, Lamb, tofu - 1 portion every other day = size of your fist
Whole grains - 4 portions every day = oatmeal, slice of bread, 1/2 cup or pasta, rice
Avocados, olives, eggs, dairy, yogurt, cheeses - 1 - 4 portions portions daily
Don't eat anything deep fried, or white rice, white bread, white potatoes, or white sugar.
Eat desserts only once a week - sunday dinner with a dessert is a nice thing to have.
Poach or grill your meats and proteins
Steam you veggies
Eat the fruit raw.
TRY, really try to eat organic foods if at all possible from farms in your area, your county, your province, your state, your country. NO FARMS, NO Food
I eat about anything. But my usual everyday onces tend to be rice, beans, cheese, and tortillas.
there are actually a lot:
fish beans